Mouse Spider

The mouse spider (Scotophaeus blackwalli) is so called not because it eats mice but because it has a lovely soft furry abdomen just like a mouse! I for one am quite relieved about this. Another thing to be pleased about is it isn’t related to the Australian mouse spider which probably would have a go at a mouse.

Mouse spider - Scotophaeus blackwalli
Photo: Kersti Nebelsiek / License

The mouse spider is relatively common throughout the UK, although not seen in the far north. It prefers the indoors, which might suggest it was once native to warmer climes. Often seen in sheds and attics it can sometimes be found outside, under the bark of trees. It has been noted that those found outdoors are considerably bigger than those inside.
The mouse spider can measure up to 12mm along the length of its body, making it a touch smaller than a large false widow.

S blackwalli can give people quite a fright owing to its nocturnal hunting habits. It may be spotted creeping along walls and ceilings looking for prey. Not what everyone wants to see when they turn the light on for a midnight pee!

Mouse Spider
Mouse Spider

The European mouse spider is one of the few species of spiders found in the UK that are capable of inflicting a bite on humans. They have sufficiently large fangs to penetrate the skin and the bite is described as being painful. One report states the bite resembled a pimple with a pus-filled head surrounded by red. This led to the whole hand becoming infected. Whether this is directly attributable to the spider bite is difficult to know.

15 thoughts on “Mouse Spider”

  1. Cheers,was just making sure the Spider️I caught wasn’t a Brazilian Wanderer☠️ that had got in my house by stowing away in a punnet of Brazilian grapes that I frequently buy.I found this very helpful.Thanks again

  2. Omfg! One of these just ran out from my iPad I’m watching bed. Never seen one before but managed to catch it. I do not do spiders! They seriously freak me out. Only came here to try and identify it and yes it was one of these aargh.

  3. Found one on the carpet last night and caught it with our bug kit for the children to see this morning. Very docile (whilst in captivity). About to put out on the bug house. Thanks for helping with the ID.

    • They would have an open buffet in the big house, they hunt other spiders. They are fine really, they can move quickly though so some people get a freight. Fine too pick up once you don’t squeeze it or poke it’s face end.

      • Clearly you have never been bitten by one!! It bloody well hurts! And they are not docile in anyway shape or form. My girlfriend got bitten on her foot and me some months later on the back of my leg. Neither of us had been antagonising the Spider’s on the separate occasions and it was just a random biting.

  4. Typical…I’m convinced the one in my shed is one of these, except mine is jet black, and more disturbingly…25mm long 🙁 I got as near as I dared with a tape rule.
    It’s the same shape, just bigger and black.

    • Sounds like you have a Tube Web spider female, they are big beautiful black spiders with blue/green irridescent fangs. They aren’t native but have been here so long they are naturalised.

  5. I was bitten by a mouse spider last year, while sorting my log store.
    I was stacking logs with my wife when I felt something bite my finger, I had nylon working gloves on which had rubberised palms but plain nylon backs. I noticed a furry little arse disappear into the back stack. I said ” that spiders just bitten me! It didn’t sting but was more like a very intense mosquito bite and really itched for a few hours. We also have a large amount false widow spiders around, with some coming indoors now and again but although I do usually ‘live and let live’ with most spiders, I do regularly spray the inside of our conservatory to kill these off. We have a few ‘resident’ cellar spiders in a couple of our large cupboards, they keep up in the top area and amazingly still find something to eat! We had a giant house spider shoot across the lounge floor, one evening last week, at first, I thought it was a mouse, as it was so big and quick! It shot under the sofa and when I shone a torch under, I saw a bundle of shiny eyes looking back at me. Not wanting this little critter running up my arm in bed, I did eventually manage to trap it in an upturned pint beer glass. Slipped a coaster under and put him/her out in the garden.
    As a child, myself and my friends would go over the fields and catch the big backed spiders that resided in the brambles. We never once got bitten! Not a pastime I would recommend to any kids these days!!

  6. Does anyone know if the stings are acidic or alkaline?

    Wasp stings are soothed by vinegar, bees by bicarb of soda. What about spiders?

    • I too found them cute and fun to watch. they scurry about and are quite fast. they were a pleasant house guest in comparison to the hoards of yellow sac spiders that moved in and were constantly dropping in my face to show me there sweet dance moves. I legit got so jumpy and fast I straight up punched a yellow jacket out of the air one day and won a dudes heart. he was scared of yellow jackets. me, I like most spiders… mouse spiders( us kind not the kind from chile) and jumping spiders are super chill. yellow sac spiders tho, my mortal enemy and I think most hobo spider bites are actually from. yellow sac spiders. probably a lot of brown recluse bites too… I am convinced they have necrotic venom. eeeek
      more mouse spiders plz

  7. One of these just nearly fell in my bath! Managed to save it and popped it on the floor where it went and hid. Never seen one before! I was surprised by its furry little tummy so decided to look it up! It was small and quite slim, so possibly a bloke? Either way, made me jump, but quite beautiful when I got over it. Now to make sure the cat doesn’t eat it …..

  8. crazy, until now I didn’t know they had a dodgy bite. I pick these up all the time an not once have I been bitten. every spider I see in the home I pick up to move outside. got a good few tarantulas myself.

  9. I found the bites first, 3 at least all in different spots. I guess this is the creature that’s been biting me. Looks very similar. Bites are like bad mosquito bites.


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